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LingvoSoft PhraseBook Chinese Mandarin Romanized <-> Thai for Windows Mobile
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Old Price:
LingvoSoft PhraseBook Chinese Mandarine Romanized <-> Thai for Windows Mobile is the most convenient and functional phrasebook ever invented. With complete pronunciation information, English grammar, and language information for upwards of 40 languages you will always know just how to pronounce any phrase.
Once installed on your PDA this handy resource provides instant bi-directional translation of 14,000 useful phrases between Chinese Mandarine Romanized and Thai saving you time and effort. Extraordinarily advanced, this invaluable application equips you to travel and learn without the bother of searching though page after page of information.
Thanks to its adjustable speech recognition capabilities you can easily access its conveniently arranged topic areas by simply speaking into the device. Requiring no previous knowledge of a second language, this remarkable travel companion contains the most important phrases needed when vacationing or working in another country and lets you visit a bank, check into a hotel, arrange sightseeing or shop in perfect comfort and style. And because the application is so compact, you can easily add new phasebook software for different language pairs depending on your destination.
The added bonus of the inclusion of our patented FlashCards learning games even allows you to master another language easier than ever before. With LingvoSoft PhraseBook for Windows Mobile you can say goodbye to misunderstandings forever – in any language.
Topic Areas
System requirements:
Pocket PC 2002, 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (SE), Windows Mobile Version 5.0, Windows Mobile Version 6.5 (English)To make sure this software application will properly function on your device, please download and test the trial version.
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